Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Begin from the Centre

I want to get into the habit of writing on here, everyday.

well, as often as necessary.

It is a Wednesday and for a few weeks that means that I have a 9am seminar, only a ten minute walk but still arduous when I am used to the luxury of 10am starts... although I arrived early, as is my prerogative, and as is expected, before everybody else. But for once Tutor was there, so we had a lovely little chat about how I have been unable to concentrate on my essay due to my recent flu virus and my nan's passing so she courteously agreed to extend the deadline until noon tomorrow.

However, I am now struck with the difficult problem that I still do not care for the subject...

What is worse my mind has been whirring possibilities again, and earlier I found myself once again searching through the careers of namely pilot but who knows.

As Beautiful a choice that appeals to me, is it actually me? I love so much, I desire so much more... but I have no idea what any of it could mean or where I belong. And so i find myself at a cross road and the decision that perhaps I need to do some true soulsearching.

Will I ever be genuinely happy? I thought I was the other day in the kitchen at home, after baking some flapjack, the radio blared some decent tunes and I just danced... and I felt serene, no cares, illness had lifted, nobody watching or judging. I felt free.

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